Data Cabling Testing
Elam will provide you with hard and/or soft copies of all test results. We test cat6, Cat6A cabling using the Fluke DSX5000.
Data Testing
Cat 6 and Cat6A copper testing is carried out using the latest Level 3 tester; the Fluke DSX-5000. Our testers incorporate current and emerging network and cabling standards through regular software upgrades. We are able to supply you with detailed test reports on your cabling.

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Fibre Testing
Fluke Fibre Optic OTDR and LSPM Testing is used to accurately measure your installed Fibre Optic cabling performance.
The results are shown graphically, making interpretation a breeze for clients.
Third Party Testing
Has someone else installed your cabling? Elam provides “Third – Party” testing. We will test cables that have been installed by others and will provide you with hard and/or soft copies of the results.
Fault Finding and Repairs
Both the OTDR and Fluke DSX-5000 offer real time functionality so that dropouts and slow response times can be pinpointed quickly. Failures in either your copper or Fibre cables can be quickly resolved to ensure you get back “up to speed” in no time.